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Blog Post

More than You Ever Wanted to Know about Baked Alaska

I've long loved Baked Alaska, that very old-school combination of cake, ice cream, and meringue toasted to a crisp, but I'd never thought about its history before Victoria of Edible History mentioned it during her talk on the history of the restaurant in NYC. 

I was surprised to learn the dish was much older than I'd imagined, having been in existence since at least the 19th century. And though its exact origin is unclear, it was...

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Book Review

2015 Holiday Gift Guide: Books Edition

So many of our friends and teachers had books published this year, and we're sharing those with you below along with a couple of classics from our teachers. They range from science to cooking to culture and more - enjoy browsing! 

Gowanus: Brooklyn's Curious Canal by Joseph Alexiou


Discover the forgotten origins of this infamous New York waterway and learn about how the Gowanus has affected the culture of Brooklyn.


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The Batik Process

Batik is an ancient form of fabric dyeing, where wax is applied to a fabric in order to resist the dye later applied to the piece. When the wax is washed out, the places where it was applied remain the original color of the fabric, creating a neat design. 

If applying hot wax, dyeing fabric, and then somehow removing the wax doesn't sound like the most apartment-friendly art, you'd be right. Thankfully there's Hiho Batik in Park Slope, a...

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