Take a Class this Week
Posted by Jen Messier on aug 12, 2012 under Blog Post
If you're looking to learn something ASAP, we've got all sorts of stuff headed your way.
Sizes of Infinity - Wednesday, August 15, 6-8pm.
The first time we ran this class, people stood outside watching for a really long time. It was impressive. There're only a couple spots left, so sign up quickly!
Barter Your Way Through Life - Thursday, August 16, 8:30-10pm
Learn how to make bartering a part of your life, right now.
Andrew Jackson & Jacksonian Democracy - Thursday, August 16, 8:30-10pm
A glimpse of one of our more interesting presidents, and the important issues Jacksonian Democracy raised that are still with us today.
And lastly, if you just want to show off your mini golf skills, come play with us Saturday afternoon at Brooklyn Crab. RSVP here!
Tagged with andrew jackson math brooklyn bartering