Map blog

May 2: Data Viz Show & Tell

Crunching numbers and plotting points doesn't sound like the hippest thing in the world, so let's overcorrect by partying down about it.

Here at the Brainery we've been rocking this Data Visualization course for the past month, and now that we've cranked out some wicked infographics we need to show 'em to the world. Enter: Data Viz Show & Tell, Monday May 2nd, 7pm.

We'll be putting the result of all of our hard work on display with a few...

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Lunch at the Brainery!

Awesome people get hungry, too, right?

That's why we'd like to invite you to the Brainery for our first brown bag lunch this Friday, April 15, at 1pm. It's a chance for you to meet other people doing cool things in Brooklyn, and maybe learn a thing or two. Read on for details!

Over the past year we've been lucky enough to build an awesome community of folks who like taking interesting classes and meeting other cool people. Now, we're hoping...

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Class Recap

What we've been up to

What've we been up to? Well, as you can see, we've been making postcards; I promise not all of them touted Tim's beekeeping abilities.

Rethinking Math: Enticing Shapes and Sexy Numbers has been living up to its name, injecting a well-needed dose of mathematical learnin' into the anumerical among us. Full of awesome facts, too - Pythagoras has his theorem, yes, but he also "founded a religion on which the the main tenets were the...

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What We're Doing: April 9-15

Next week is going to be wicked, here're the new classes on the way:

Saturday, 4/9: A pie crust workshop with Natalie of Bike Basket Pies. Her spiced apple (above) smells ridiculously terrific. 

Monday, 4/11: You can still sign up for our second real estate class with Realty Collective. This time, Tina and Victoria will be taking on the topic of how to sell your apartment quickly, even when the market's not so hot. They'll be joined by...

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