Blog Post

Our Teachers Do Awesome Things - Handmade Edition

I don't spend nearly enough time singing the praises of the wonderful people who teach at the Brainery. Look out for lots of posts in the coming weeks where I do just that. 

Carmen Artigas runs Viva La Vida, where she designs the most fun totes and bike baskets, working with artisans in Mexico to turn plastic into woven awesomeness.

If you're interested in ethical fashion, also check out her Facebook group on the subject, always a...

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Dance at molenbeek blog
Blog Post

The Weird Phenomenon of St. Vitus' Dance

I was sitting in on Charlotte's Medieval History class when she mentioned the super weird phenomenon of St. Vitus' Dance, also know as Dancing Mania.

It's just what you'd think--outbreaks of uncontrolled dancing that swept through Europe during the late middle ages and even into the 1600's. Participants often did not live where they danced, or traveled from place to place, and no one seemed to be immune. The outbreaks mostly occurred during...

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Hey, anyone want a book?

Okay, so I'm usually wary of giveaways, BUT we have an extra copy of Home Production of Quality Meats and Sausages kicking around the Brainery, and we might as well do something useful with it. 

How did we end up with two copies of this lovely book? Let's just say I don't pay all that much attention to what's in the Amazon cart before I place orders, and sometimes multiple copies of things magically arrive. 

And though I'm way too...

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Blog Post

In Search Of: Wintertime Hobbies

If I had my way about things, I'd just hibernate until spring. Since only bears and frogs get that luxury, though, it's time to dig out some wintertime hobbies.

As far as I can tell, cold weather is all about baking. Butter stays firm, helping make flaky pie crusts, and doughs rise nice and slow giving a better (if more patience-requiring) flavor. It's also a great excuse to keep your oven on all day - "I swear it's still pre-heating!" - to...

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Blog Post

More New Classes! Punch, Prints + More!

Yep, December is the busiest month ever, but you can't possibly go to a holiday party every single night, can you? (Well, maybe you can.) 

Some highlights?

Lots of things to make those parties more awesome: punch, bitters, dumplings, ravioli, and an explanation of where some holiday traditions come from

Things to do inside during the winter: archery, chess, screenprinting, video making on your phone

Things that don't really fit into...

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