Hey, anyone want a book?
Posted by Jen Messier on nov 15, 2011 under News
Okay, so I'm usually wary of giveaways, BUT we have an extra copy of Home Production of Quality Meats and Sausages kicking around the Brainery, and we might as well do something useful with it.
How did we end up with two copies of this lovely book? Let's just say I don't pay all that much attention to what's in the Amazon cart before I place orders, and sometimes multiple copies of things magically arrive.
And though I'm way too lazy to go to the post office to mail it back to Amazon, I will absolutely mail it to you! (Or you can pick it up, whatever.)
Why do you want it?
Because people love it! From the Amazon reviews:
"But not long after cracking this one open I knew it was at the top of the list. If you could have only 1 book on making sausage, this is the one you want."
"Just one look at the cover and one realizes that they didn't put much time or money in the Graphic Design portion of the book. Why? They were too busy giving you a bibles worth of information on a tricky subject that is not well defined in the pantheon of cooking books."
"Being a sausage maker my whole life I find this book to be on the mark. No blue sky stuff, just common sense real info."
So how do you get it?
Write a comment below telling us why you want it and how you're going to put it to good use. Sometime down the road you promise to write a quick blog post about your adventures with the book for us to post here. We'll pick a random winner on Friday afternoon, 11/18, so get to it!
Tagged with sausage making