Supply List: Macrame
Posted by Jen Messier on jan 31, 2018 under Blog Post
Ahh, macrame. That oh-so-70's hobby is new again, and it's all the rage on Instagram. If you've been enticed by the lovely images and want to dive in to the world of decorative knotting (seriously, it's addictive) but aren't sure where to start, read on.
The great thing about macrame is that you really don't need all that much stuff, just some rope (or cord, or yarn), and something to hang it off of. We'll discuss a couple of fun additions below as well. It's the perfect apartment craft - relatively small and not at all messy.
Before you can start knotting, you'll need a rod of some sort to hang your cord off of. This can be anything from a wooden craft dowel to a stick you found in the park to a thin metal pipe. It's all up to you and the look you're going for.
Everyone who macrames seems to like using a different cord, all of which is to say that you can use whatever you like!
For wall hangings, we use the 3mm natural cotton cord from Niroma Studio, pictured in the photo above. It's nice and soft and won't hurt your hands while you're working, which is more important than it might sound at first! Niroma Studio also offers a range of lovely shades if you're looking to make a brighter piece.
For plant hangers, we like using t-shirt yarn (pictured below). It's super strong, chunky, and looks great. Unfortunately, t-shirt yard can be hard to find at your local craft store, but fear not, we know a great source. The folks at Fab-U-Loop Yarn have an ever-changing range of colors and patterns to choose from.
Washi Tape
A lot of people will do macrame standing up, with their piece taped to a wall, but we like sitting down and taping your piece to a table. It's way more comfortable! To tape down your dowel and strings as you work, you'll want to use washi tape. We especially like Scotch brand washi tape, as it's extra strong!
Decorative Elements
If you want to liven up your macrame piece, there are a few simple options to work in. We like using simple wooden beads - just be sure your bead has a large enough hole for the cord to slip through. My favorite beads come from Artist & Craftsman in Park Slope, and while they're not available online, they always have them in store.
To add a little more modern flair to your work, use small copper or brass pipes. They're readily available at the hardware store and are guaranteed to look great.
Our teacher, Jessi, recommends Macrame by Fanny Zedenius.
this post contains amazon affiliate links to products we love!