Fall Class Series with Urban Glass
This fall, we're excited to be partnering with UrbanGlass to bring you a series of classes taught by their great stable of teachers:
Wednesday, September 16: The Birth of Glass Blowing: The Vitreous Age Begins
This combination lecture and demonstration will explore the pivotal moments around the invention of glassblowing.
Sunday, October 25: A World is a Thing in Motion
Learn about the morphological nature of language as words traverse a circuit of relationships through glass, design, and the body.
Saturday, November 14: PIECE BY PIECE- the Mosaic “Selfie”
Funnel creativity sparked by your own environment, personal experience and concerns into a hands-on mosaic project.
December 2, 9, and 16 (three Wednesdays): Put An Image On It: Photo stencils on Glass
Learn the Rayzist process of applying photographic imagery to a flat glass surface.
Tagged with urbanglass urban glass fort greene fall 2015 brooklyn glass blowing