A Word is a Thing in Motion (a collaboration with UrbanGlass)

Taught by Helen Lee
Helen Lee uses glass to think about language. She holds an MFA in Glass from the Rhode Island School of Design and a BSAD in Architecture from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In this collaboration with UrbanGlass, Helen Lee will give a lecture on her studio practice, which investigates the morphological nature of language as words traverse a circuit of relationships through glass, design, and the body.
Lee will address how she uses glass to think about language as a somatic experience, and how light-and-shadow-play activates the confluence of objecthood and semiotic units in her work. She describes her practice as an examination of boundary, duality, and transformation—dwelling on the moments in which breath becomes sound, sound becomes spoken, the spoken word turns written, and the written word is shaped into dimensional form by her own breath.
This lecture will be followed by a walkthrough of the exhibition Becloud, in which Lee explores the inscription of cultural identity through literal mistranslations, slippery interpretations, crossed wires of communication, and other unintentional consequences of bilingualism.
*This event meets at UrbanGlass!*
OMG, Neon, 20 by Helen Lee