S.A.S.S. Presents: The History of Fun and Games, June 5
Posted by Jen Messier on may 21, 2012 under Event
At this month's meeting of The Society for the Advancement of Social Studies, not only do you get three short, awesome lectures on the history of fun and games, but you get to play games. Victorian Parlor Games, to be exact, with wonderful names like Poor Pussy.
Show up here:
Public Assembly, 70 North 6th Street in Williamsburg,
Tuesday, June 5, 7pm, totally free
What'll we learn:
A Brief History of Universe of Video Game
Nerds and pop culture fans rejoice! Dave Shuff is coming to town with some awesome facts about the history of America’s real past time, video games.
I Liked The Olympics Before They Were Cool
Chris Hedick gives us the lowdown on naked Greek men performing feats of athleticism to prepare us for some non-athletic TV watching during this summer’s Olympics
It’s All Fun & Games Until Someone Gets Hurt
Let’s be honest- you only like hockey because of the inevitable fights. Well, you’re in luck, because Mr. Tommy Button will be rocking your brain with the famous fights, brawls, and calamities that have made sports worth watching over the years.
Tagged with society for the advancement of social studies video games public assembly brooklyn adult education