July Classes Open for Registration!
Posted by Brooklyn Brainery on jun 22, 2010 under Blog Post
Next semester starts July 19th, and we've got a whole slew of new two and four week courses coming up!
In American Sign Language we'll learn how to sign - including social conversations, finger spelling and even a bunch of NYC-centric things. After this class you'll finally be able to stop saying sign language is one of those things you wish you had learned in college.
Everyone wears jeans, so you might as well become an expert on them in Denim as She is Worn. We'll cover how they're made, the way denim behaves, and some of the things people do to make awesome jeans today.
Ever wanted to tell the difference between the four kinds of serifs or expertly drop type classifications into casual conversation? Of course! We'll take it all on in Typography, and the class'll wrap up with you designing your own font (!)
Each session, Soma's Foreign Cuisine 101 will figure out the mysteries behind a different cuisine - Ethiopian, Indian, Thai, and Korean - and before you know it you'll be able to define bulgogi and ruminate on the differences among the world's curries.
I'm a huge urban planning and architecture nerd, so Downtown and Brooklyn will satisfy my need to talk about new bike lanes all day. We'll cover other stuff too, like which building is which on the skyline and even a bit of geography.
Just in case four weeks of class is a bit too much to handle during the summer, we've got a couple two week courses lined up on two of everyone's favorite beverages - Whiskey and Coffee.
Sign up on each course's page!
Tagged with classes sign language denim typography whiskey coffee history cooking