January Classes are Up Up Up!
Posted by Jonathan Soma on jan 5, 2011 under News
I'm going to distract you from the fact that I used the same image for two blog posts in a row with JANUARY CLASSES!
Make Your Own Kimchi Party - There's nothing quite like hanging out over a nice head of cabbage. Sunday, January 23, 3-6pm
Bee Night - A screening! A presentation! A honey tasting! Tuesday, January 25, 7pm
American Sign Language - Back by popular demand. starts Wednesday, January 26, 7pm
Microwave Candy - Throw out your fancy candy thermometers and move to a super-sweet future. Monday, January 31, 7pm
It's a light semester this time around, we're still building out everything.
You'd better come to the Kimchi Party to help us launch the new space! It is going to be w-i-c-k-e-d. And cabbagey! And I'm going to translate a cookbook for it is how much I love all you guys.
Tagged with classes