Brainery Swag on Sale!
To celebrate the opening of our new space in Prospect Heights (190 Underhill Ave), we’re putting our awesome Brainery swag on sale!
You like the Brainery? The classic Brainery tote can be yours. Don't even know what the Brainery is? Get it anyway!
Or perhaps the Let’s Make Thai tote is more up your alley. Tired of always forgetting your coconut milk, kaffir lime leaves, and galangal? With our Let's Make Thai Food tote you'll have your shopping list at the ready no matter where you are (because that's useful).
You can have your very own tote bag for the reduced priced of $10, or, amazingly, two for $16! Buy two for yourself! Or for a friend, neighbor or stranger. All totes measure 13" wide x 14" tall, with 25" handles and 3" gussets, because gussets make your life awesome. Made in the good ole U.S. of A of nice thick natural canvas (as in, it definitely won't fall apart on you).
Tagged with prospect heights sale totes swag brooklyn brainery