Meatshares, Medieval History, + MYO Everything: New Fall Classes!
Posted by Jen Messier on oct 18, 2011 under Blog Post
We just put up a whole batch of new classes, for the remainder of October and heading into November. They'll fill up fast, so hop on over to the courses page and register now!
What've we got? Baking Science, PowerPoint Design, No-Knead Bread, Stamped Jewelry, a five week Introductory Spanish class, a wide-ranging look at Medieval History, and way, way more.
In addition, you should head over on Thursday, October 27 for a free workshop about organizing your own meatshare, since you probably can't eat an entire cow by yourself.
Check out all the classes here, and don't forget to suggest yourself or a friend to teach. There's no way we could come up with all these crazy things on our own, and we're super grateful for your ideas and suggestions!
Tagged with brooklyn cooking science baking science design bread jewelry