Let's Make: Coriander-Mint Chutney
Posted by Jonathan Soma on dec 5, 2011 under Blog Post
I was popping a link to our tamarind chutney how-to into our course release email when I realized we're still missing out on the other 50% of my favorite Indian condiments. That being, of course, coriander-mint chutney.
It's the green one. Tamarind chutney? That's brown one.
The most important part of coriander-mint chutney is that it's actually cilantro-mint chutney, because outside of the U.S. the herb we call cilantro is called coriander (this gas vs. petrol). What we call coriander is actually the seeds of the cilantro plant, and is called coriander seed elsewhere.
Got it? Let's get to the recipe. This one's from Madhur Jafrey's World-of-the-East Vegetarian Cooking, which is so amazing we should probably do a whole post on it.
2 cups fresh cilantro leaves + stems, loosely packed
1 cup fresh mint, loosely packed
1 cup white onion
1/2 teaspoon garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon ginger, grated
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon green chili pepper, minced
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons plain yogurt
Process all the ingredients in a food processor until smooth and creamy, not watery. Refrigerate up to a week.
Tagged with indian food chutney condiments madhur jafrey