$10 and Under Classes: May + June 2017
Posted by Jen Messier on may 7, 2017 under Blog Post
Here's a handy list of all classes under $10 coming up in May + June 2017:
The Sumerians: History's Innovators: Thursday, May 18 in Prospect Heights
Thoreau's Wildflowers + Thoreau's Animals: Thursday, June 1 in Prospect Heights
Graffiti: Its History and Metamorphosis: Monday, June 5 in Prospect Heights
Life in Medieval Baghdad: Monday, June 5 in Prospect Heights
Nothing Dark about the Dark Ages: Tuesday, June 6 in Windsor Terrace
The Sugar and Coffee War: Wednesday, June 7 in Prospect Heights
Parks, Planning and Power: Wednesday, June 7 in Prospect Heights
Finnegans Wake: Approaching and Appreciating James Joyce's Baffling Masterpiece: Friday, June 16 in Prospect Heights
Buying Your First Home: Monday, June 19 in Prospect Heights
"Bronx Man Leads Russian Revolution" and other Stories of Espionage in New York City: Wednesday, June 21 in Propsect Heights
A Beginner's Guide to Obstacle Course Racing: Thursday, June 22 in Prospect Heights