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Teacher Wishlist

We thought it was time to put together a list of specific classes we'd love to host and need teachers for--if you or anyone you know would be interested in leading a session or two on the following, leave us a rec on our suggestion page!

NYC Urban Planning
Foreign Languages (especially Polish!)
Knot Tying
Small Engines
Coin Magic
Cake Decorating
Terrariums + Gardening
How to have awesome conversations

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Blog Post

Like High School, but Better

We're looking for some teachers to lead classes on the intentionally vague subjects below, for a series of classes that can best be described as back-to-high-school-but-way-cooler

You're highly encouraged to volunteer yourself or your unsuspecting genius friends over on our teacher suggestion page.  

*Math + Science - whether it's straight up geometry, something more pop-sci, an intro to physics, food chemistry, or how to...

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Class Recap

More From This Semester

More random knowledge gleaned during the last couple weeks of classes:

Beekeeping - First week we covered the anatomy of bees and the social structure of the hive. In the process, we learned approximately 65 million interesting things, but I'll keep it to just a couple of my favorite facts. You can gather way more from Tim at Borough Bees, his blog.

*In the summer, workers (the sterile females who, as you can probably imagine, do all...

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