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Study Session: Planet Counting

Study Session is a review of a test we presented to everyone at a party ages and ages ago. Follow along with the whole test here.

2. How many planets would they count on July 17, 1844? 

A. 5

B. 7

C. 8

D. 9

The number of planets has historically been way more fluid than you'd think, but I'm happy to report that on July 17, 1844 scientists In The Know would steadfastly put the number at SEVEN. The question was kind of a low blow,...

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Blog Post

Things we learned this week:

We've got some new classes starting tonight and next week (lots of food, and bees too, for good measure), but in the meantime, here're some random fun things we've learned over the past couple of weeks in Knife Skills, Pseudoscience, and Astronomy. 

Emily's lead a couple of one-night knife skills workshops over the past couple of weeks, and if there's one lesson to be learned about knives, it's that they should be sharp! Always! To...

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