
Next Week is Going to Be Super Fun

We're excited to be hosting two free events next week, and you should come to both of them! I'm so excited that I am using gigantic images to illustrate them:


On Monday, February 27, the Backwards Beekeepers of NYC will be presenting the excitingly named Top Wax Chef at the Brainery. They'll give you the rundown on everything you need to know about turning beeswax into useful things like lip balm. RSVP here!


Then on ...

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Masters of Social Gastronomy: The Candy Lectures

Here's all you really need to know about the next MSG lecture on Tuesday, February 28: we're talking about candy, in a bar, you get to eat some, and it's free.

All you have to do is show up at Public Assembly at 7pm and hang out while we fill your brains with delicious candy facts and your mouths with candy (and booze). We'll love you even more if you RSVP on Facebook so we have plenty of samples. 

Most importantly, we want...

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