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Between the Bread: Masters of Social Gastronomy Talk Sandwiches

The history of sandwiches is laced with vice, ingenuity, and industry.

Sarah will relate this sordid tale via the PB&J, perhaps the sandwich Americans feel the most passionate about. But jelly wasn't always thought to be peanut butter's natural companion and at MSG you'll get to experience long-forgotten peanut butter sandwiches of the past. 

Later, Soma will take us on a tour of America's best sandwiches, from national standbys like...

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Msg blog

MSG takes on MSG: January's Masters of Social Gastronomy Lecture

To celebrate its one year anniversary, this month's Masters of Social Gastronomy takes on its namesake: monosodium glutamate (MSG)! Savory spice or fatal flavor?

Sarah Lohman of Four Pounds Flour will track MSG back to its source in traditional Japanese food, showing how time and money turned an innocuous plant into the darling of mass production

Soma will take on modern-day interpretations of MSG, from its role...

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Blog Post

Taboo Foods: No Garlic, No Onions, No Nothin'

Next Tuesday we're hosting a Masters of Social Gastronomy on taboo foods. We'll be talking about everything from cannibalism to, well, things like what you're about to read. It's free, and full of beer, so you might as well RSVP now.

Y'know how you meet vegetarians who eat fish, and you throw a little tantrum about how Fish Are People Too and That's Not Vegetarianism and everyone just shrugs? And then some people won't eat honey...

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Blog Post

The Masters of Social Gastronomy Get Shelved: Preservatives and Convenience Foods

Masters of Social Gastronomy (MSG) is a free monthly lecture series all about the history and science behind some of your favorite, or not so favorite, foods. This month: preservatives & convenience food!

Why does your bacon clamor about its lack of nitrites, but your soda keeps quiet about sodium benzoate? Soma will unwrap our love/hate relationship with modern preservatives, and why we like to think keeping our food safe might kill...

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