Brainery-Recommended February Events
Saturday, February 7th - Erika Anderson, Comandante of the Army of Lovers, is inviting YOU to "make the world your Valentine" by giving Valentines to strangers. This Saturday, join Erika and the lovers for an Army of Lovers Crafting "Party." There will be punch, crafts, stamps, and cookies.
Tuesday, February 10th - Join the Society for the Advancement of Social Studies for The Fourth Annual Sexy SASS! Featuring sexy lectures on The Controversial History of the Corset, A History of Divorce, and The Story of Stripping.
Tuesday, February 10th - If you're not feeling SASSy that night, check out Victory Pints' next game night at Threes Brewing. Drink beers and play games like 7 Wonders, Settlers of Catan, Pandemic, Dominion, Dixit, Puerto Rico, Eldritch Horror, Ticket to Ride, and Carcasonne.
Saturday, February 14th - Celebrate this day of romance by going on The Valentine's Day Newtown Creek Digester Egg Tour. Learn all about the Newtown Creek Plant, including how it will soon "purify biogas into renewable natural gas."