Amanda Crowell
Amanda Crowell is a writer, professor and improvement coach, working alongside hundreds of people as they work to improve some part of their work or life. At the Brainery, Amanda brings lessons and tools from improvement science, psychology, user centered design, and action research to power your personal improvement. As a professor at the School of Education at Hunter College, Amanda works with teacher candidates as they navigate their first experience in an urban public school. As a consultant at Eskolta School Research and Design, Amanda provided professional learning opportunities across the city focused on utilizing improvement science to get better at getting better. Amanda has a PhD from Columbia in cognitive psychology and her writing has been featured in Quartz, JSTOR daily, and others places around the web. For more information, check out her website: amandacrowell.com
Courses taught
Grab Bag
How to Empower your Business by Niching Down
Grab Bag
How to Start and Grow a Coaching Business Without Feeling Overwhelmed
Grab Bag
The Power of Narrow: Defining Your Niche
Grab Bag
Work-Life Re-Balance For Purposeful Productivity
Grab Bag
Designing Life Change Bootcamp
Grab Bag
Confident Job Seeking
Grab Bag
How to Start an Online Business that Might Make Money Some Day: A Complete Beginners Boot Camp
Designing Career Change
Grab Bag
The Power of Task Management
3-Week Change Makers Workshop
Grab Bag
Change Makers: The Nature of Change
Grab Bag
Change Makers: Designing Life Change
Grab Bag
Change Makers: Taking action to change your life
Get out of my way, me! The psychology of personal improvement