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Blog Post

Our Teachers Have Awesome Blogs

Four Pounds Flour - by Sarah, who taught a wicked class on Historic Gastronomy

Borough Bees - by Tim, dare I say this is the best beekeeping blog in the city?

Make Something Happen - by Rachel, who is teaching ethnographic research methods this June

KEEPS - by Peter, who taught us all how to make our own banh mi, though his blog is about all sorts of interesting stuff

The Paper Collective - just launched! Super fun crowdsourced art projects in...

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We (finally) made a tumblr

And if we're being totally honest, it'll probably get updated way more than this blog, so if you like tumbling, follow us over there.

We want it to be really collaborative, with all kinds of contributions from you--things you've made, fun and weird places around the city, favorite recipes, upcoming events--whatever it is that other people who like learning stuff would be interested in. You can submit posts here or even ask us questions (like...

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