Places To Work That Aren't Your Kitchen Table
Posted by Brooklyn Brainery on nov 19, 2010 under Blog Post
Coworking is a bit of a pet obsession of mine, for really no reason at all. There are lots and lots of neat new spaces popping up all around Brooklyn and the city -- a pretty inclusive list of which you can see here -- but we've been lucky enough to get the know the folks at a couple of them that are equally awesome. If you're in the market for some desk space that's not in your apartment or a coffee shop, we'd definitely recommend them both.
If you're up in Williamsburg or North Brooklyn, check out Not An Alternative's coworking group run out of their No-Space Gallery. Not only are they really lovely to work with, but it's a super nice space close to everything in Wburg.
And if you're a bit farther south, take a peek at Flex Desk in Gowanus. It's a new coworking space run by the Gowanus Community Development Corporation and have some great storefronts they've converted to shared office space. Also really nice spaces, also really close to a whole bunch of stuff, like the Smith-9th stop on the train and about 200 ridiculously good restaurants.
Tagged with coworking brooklyn williamsburg gowanus