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Blog Post

The Taxi Cab Fact Book is all that Matters in Life

Okay, so yesterday I was trying to impress Soma with cool facts, and I casually dropped that there are only around 13,000 yellow taxis in all of New York City. Naturally, he was unimpressed and didn't really believe me, so I took to the internet to prove my case. 

And that's when I found this great Yahoo Answer (I know, I know) on the subject, which not only confirmed my 13,000 number, but led me to the greatest work of the 21st...

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Xylitol1 blog

Why do you make candy with xylitol?

Note: This experiment ends in faaaaiillluuuurrre. I found a great different way to make xylitol candy, though, that I'll post in a day or two.

Xylitol is a pretty fun sugar substitute. You'll find it advertised as being in a lot of gums and the like, and that's because when xylitol dissolves in your mouth, it actually makes your mouth colder. Some things like cinnamon or spicy peppers make your mouth think it's getting hotter, but they...

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Betty grable 20th century fox bio blog
Course Preview

Diary of a Pinup Girl: Why Pinups matter, and what it all means

Lisa was kind enough to send along a course preview of her upcoming class on Pinups. It starts in a couple weeks, and you can register here!

From Lisa:

When I was much younger, I was influenced by the media’s pressure on women and girls to look and behave a certain way. It is a constant struggle for many women not to allow societal expectations to carve some sort of void in the way we perceive ourselves. So what about the Pinup girl? She...

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