Fake blog

Masters of Social Gastronomy: The Flavor Battles

Our next MSG lecture is on Tuesday, March 27, and it's going to be the most epic yet, as we take on the history and science of imitation ingredients. There'll even be a sample-heavy showdown where you get to definitively decide if there's any difference between artifical and natural flavorings. RSVP now!

As for the lectures, Sarah will explore the history of artificial food, starting with medieval feasts obsessed with disgusting...

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Course Preview

Course Preview: Reading Octavia Butler

We're thrilled to be hosting a class (starts next week!) on the super fascinating science fiction writer Octavia Butler. During our two weeks together, we'll focus on three short stories from one of her most famous collections, Bloodchild. We'll also eat some sci-fi themed snacks. 

To introduce you to Octavia a bit more, here's a class preview from your co-teachers, Felicia and Wynnie. You can get more details on the class and sign up...

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Beekeeping Apprenticeship!

Here's an announcement from Tim, our resident beekeeping expert, about an apprenticeship program he's helping start at the brand new Big Apple Apiary, over in the Navy Yard. It's really a wonderful opportunity for all of you who think you want to keep bees, but perhaps want a little hands on experience before you dive in. 

Big Apple Apiary Beekeeping Apprenticeship

Brand new rooftop apiary seeks 12 volunteer beekeeping apprentices for the...

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The Brainery Loves Plovgh

You all like local food right? Of course you do. But maybe you're like me and can't manage to use up all the delicious things in your CSA share each and every week. We’ve all been there, it's cool.

And that's why we were so excited when the nice folks at Plovgh asked us to be a pickup point for their service. Plovgh's an awesome mix between a CSA and Fresh Direct. Each week, you decide exactly what crops you want, place an order online,...

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Buzzard Day Comes to Brooklyn

What are you doing on Sunday, March 18th? You're celebrating Buzzard Sunday with a pancake breakfast hosted by us and Sarah Lohman of Four Pounds Flour

There'll be games and a craft fair, a raffle, and fancy-pants pancakes. It all goes down from 11-4 at the Brainery (515 Court Street), and we want you there. Advance tickets are totally required. 

Admission includes breakfast (all you can eat regular and pumpkin...

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