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Hooray! Language Events with Fluent City

We're excited to partner again this month with the fine folks over at Fluent City to bring all of you a couple of their two-hour slang workshops (or any of their in-depth classes!) on the cheap.

These workshops are taught in English, so you won't need to be fluent in Spanish or French to pick up some fun phrases and avoid sounding like a silly American on the streets of Madrid or Paris. 

The next French slang...

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Blog Post

Transletteration: Cross-alphabet typing is XOPOWO

You know and I both know that Russians write crazy. Wacky stuff like хорошо and я забыл and очень приятно, which we couldn't type if our little English-language lives depended on it. Their alphabet is called Cyrillic, and is pretty awesome, but it isn't exactly what we're going to talk about today.

Imagine you're a Russian, trapped in a stupid computer system that won't let you type in Cyrillic. What the hell do you do? Sure, you can stoop to...

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