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New May Class! Intro to Digital Photography

Taught by Gabriel Wilson, one of our awesome Brainery neighbors, we're excited to announce a new class to our May calendar: Intro to Digital Photography on Monday, May 23 from 7-9pm. 


You'll learn to use those many, many settings, take some photos, and discuss basic photo techniques to make your pictures even better. (Bring your camera, of course!)

Read more and sign up here

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Class Recap


Last night a dozen of us learned just what felting is and gained a new appreciation for anyone who made cloth before the cotton gin. (For real. Before the cotton gin, one person could clean one pound of cotton in a day. Compare that to the cotton gin, which could clean as much in one day as a person could in a whole year.)

But yeah, felting is really neat. Wikipedia defines felt as "a non-woven cloth that is produced by matting, condensing and...

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