Elysa Lozano
Trained at the Rhode Island School of Design and Goldsmiths College, Elysa Lozano’s art practice emulates a not-for-profit, called Autonomous Organization, which has produced proposals for Socialist colonies in a high-rise building in Houston, Texas, re-branded an exhibition space in London as a construction site, and created a web archive of project space survival strategies. Between curating, writing and conducting field research, she lectures at CUNY LaGuardia in Figure Drawing, Art History, and Urban Studies.
Courses taught
Grab Bag
Drawing Summer Foliage (Outdoors)
Grab Bag
Drawing Animals of the Renaissance
Grab Bag
Classic Drawing - Faces
Grab Bag
Charcoal Drawing: Anatomy
Grab Bag
Classic Drawing (Online)
Classic Charcoal Drawing: Faces
The Casual Art Critic
Grab Bag
Classic Charcoal Drawing: Anatomy
Grab Bag
Classic Charcoal Drawing for Beginners