Amy Nielson
Amy is a museum educator and theatre-maker. She encourages the reawakening of our primal ability to communicate through body and voice, and the building of stronger communities through storytelling.
Trained as a director and choreographer, she holds a BFA from Marquette University and MFA from Mills College. She co-runs a theatre ensemble called BrickaBrack, that makes original, audience-interactive work. She is also currently a public docent at the New Museum, after spending many years as an educational docent with SFMoMA. (Children are the best art-lookers!)
As a facilitator for the Engaging Educator, Amy enjoys when students have an a-ha moment! This could be when an idea really sinks in, when someone makes a discovery, or especially when they surprise us all, including themselves. Seeing someone shed their patterns or habits, step away from themselves, even just for a moment, and bring forth something new, is a very exciting thing.