Networking and Small Talk: Find Your Voice (Prospect Heights)

Taught by Amy Nielson
Amy is a museum educator and theatre-maker. She encourages the reawakening of our primal ability to communicate through body and voice, and the building of stronger communities through storytelling.
Trained as a director and choreographer, she holds a BFA from Marquette University and MFA from Mills College. She co-runs a theatre ensemble called BrickaBrack, that makes original, audience-interactive work. She is also currently a public docent at the New Museum, after spending many years as an educational docent with SFMoMA. (Children are the best art-lookers!)
As a facilitator for the Engaging Educator, Amy enjoys when students have an a-ha moment! This could be when an idea really sinks in, when someone makes a discovery, or especially when they surprise us all, including themselves. Seeing someone shed their patterns or habits, step away from themselves, even just for a moment, and bring forth something new, is a very exciting thing.
Who are you and what are you here for? Does every networking and small talk situation feel like an awkward test where you ramble along and try to fill the time, only to realize you’re talking too much?
Networking has rapidly become an important part of the job search. With all of the qualified people looking for the next great job, you need to stand out. According to the National Association of College and Employers 2016 Job Outlook report, verbal communication skills are the most important skill sought in new candidates. On a 5-point scale, verbal communication skills were rated 4.63, edging out teamwork (4.62). You can show skills through networking!
Through this interactive class, we’ll work on your personal and professional pitch, practice reading and assessing networking and small talk situations, and zero in on active listening and impromptu speaking skills. You’ll leave with a workshopped pitch, exercises to continue your growth, and strategies for pivoting during networking situations. Prior to class, we’ll ask you to fill out a brief survey so we can tailor the class to your needs.