The Masters of Social Gastronomy Present: Fried Foods

Taught by Sarah Lohman and Jonathan Soma

Sarah Lohman is a culinary historian and the author of the bestselling and critically acclaimed book Eight Flavors: The Untold Story of American Cuisine. She focuses on the history of American food as a way to access stories of women, immigrants, and people of color, and to address issues of racism, sexism, and xenophobia. Her work has been featured inTheWall Street Journal andThe New York Times, as well as onAll Things Considered; and she has presented across the country, from the Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington, DC to The Culinary Historians of Southern California. She is also 1/2 of the Masters of Social Gastronomy, a monthly food science and history talk at Caveat NYC, with Brainery co-founder Jonathan Soma.

Soma was born in the South, is what someone from the North would say. He co-founded the Brainery, is the sciencey half of Masters of Social Gastronomy, and plans on getting married to Waffle House. In his more droll moments he is a tragic sellout to higher ed as a professor of data journalism at Columbia University's journalism school.
See more @dangerscarf
Join the Masters of Social Gastronomy at the Institute of Culinary Education in Manhattan on March 29 as they embark on a journey into the delicious land of deep frying!
Sarah will look at a world history of fried foods, seeking out the first examples of these crispy delights. Then she'll expose the story of churros and their path from medieval Europe to Mexican treat to All-American favorite.
Soma will tackle the science behind deep-frying, and uncover why that big pot of oil beats out a stir-fry anytime. Later, we’ll use those skills to learn the secrets of succulent buffalo wings and the perfect Southern fried chicken, and how to coax a crispy coating from anything that meets the fryer.
Special guest Chef Chad Pagano from ICE will round out the middle section of the evening, giving a live demonstration of a special treat that will knock your socks off!
Ticket includes 2 beers + a snack. 21+ only! This talk takes place at the Institute of Culinary Education, located at 225 Liberty Street in Manhattan. You must enter a first and last name on the next page in order to receive admission to the event. Ticket sales end Sunday, March 27th.