The Chemist and the Cook: Basic Baking Science

Taught by Jonathan Soma
Soma was born in the South, is what someone from the North would say. He co-founded the Brainery, is the sciencey half of Masters of Social Gastronomy, and plans on getting married to Waffle House. In his more droll moments he is a tragic sellout to higher ed as a professor of data journalism at Columbia University's journalism school.
See more @dangerscarf
Whether it's leavening bread or making crisp cookies, baking is a part of cooking that requires scientific precision.
We'll look at the differences between types of flours, the various means and methods for making things rise, the what's the scoop on kneading, and what a piece of bread can do to keep your cookies nice and fresh. I'll teach you how taking a shower can speed up making pizza dough, and how to impress your roommates by coaxing pancakes out of an understocked pantry.
And more!