Kimchi Party

Taught by Jonathan Soma
Soma was born in the South, is what someone from the North would say. He co-founded the Brainery, is the sciencey half of Masters of Social Gastronomy, and plans on getting married to Waffle House. In his more droll moments he is a tragic sellout to higher ed as a professor of data journalism at Columbia University's journalism school.
See more @dangerscarf
Come make kimchi and meet some new kimchi-loving friends! Stop by anytime between 2-4pm, whip up a batch of kimchi, and sample some that we've made.
You need to bring:
- your base vegetable (white radish or napa cabbage)
- a tupperware or glass container to take it home in
We have:
- cutting boards, knives and all the other kitchen stuff you'll need
- green onions, garlic and ginger
- the tougher-to-find ingredients: red pepper flakes and fish sauce
This class was inspired by this month's Dabbler, our monthly email newlsetter that delivers a new hobby or skill to your inbox, each and every month. Here's a sneak peak at the kimchi issue.
(Class is drop-in style, no need to arrive right at 2pm! If you're a Dabbler subscriber, choose that ticket option. If you're not, choose the regular one.)