Intro to Ruby on Rails Workshop

Taught by Jonathan Soma
Soma was born in the South, is what someone from the North would say. He co-founded the Brainery, is the sciencey half of Masters of Social Gastronomy, and plans on getting married to Waffle House. In his more droll moments he is a tragic sellout to higher ed as a professor of data journalism at Columbia University's journalism school.
See more @dangerscarf
Ruby on Rails is a "full stack Web application framework optimized for sustainable programming productivity," which is the most boring possible way of saying it's a way to build awesome web sites. In this workshop we'll start from the basics and end up with a web application or two.
Oh, and what's a web application? It's just a web site that lets you do stuff. Uploading photos, making blog posts, organizing data - anything really fun is a web application.
This class will be super hands-on, and super introductory. Rails is easy once you get into the swing of things, but first we've gotta help you get the hang of it!
Important note: Although yes, Rails is super fun, this is a class about learning how to program. It's a lot tougher than setting up a tumblr or tooling around with Wordpress, but it can also be a lot more rewarding!
You're required to bring your own laptop, and to set a few things up on it beforehand (that part won't be too complicated, promise).
This class, like all the rest, takes place at the Brainery space at the corner of W. 9th and Court in Carroll Gardens.