Classic Charcoal Drawing: Faces

Taught by Elysa Lozano
Trained at the Rhode Island School of Design and Goldsmiths College, Elysa Lozano’s art practice emulates a not-for-profit, called Autonomous Organization, which has produced proposals for Socialist colonies in a high-rise building in Houston, Texas, re-branded an exhibition space in London as a construction site, and created a web archive of project space survival strategies. Between curating, writing and conducting field research, she lectures at CUNY LaGuardia in Figure Drawing, Art History, and Urban Studies.

Location: Prospect Heights Brainery (190 Underhill Ave in Prospect Heights, BK)
Ever wonder how those emotive Renaissance faces are made? It's not genius or talent, but can be broken down into clear technique and skills. Pick out your favorite Michelangelo (or Leonardo) head sketch and we can reproduce it together in this class.
We'll start with some simple warm-ups to get that hand-eye coordination flowing, get the basics of distance and scale down, and then we'll bust out with those subtle tones and supple lines to recreate that Renaissance style.
I'll give you a range of techniques that you can take away and work with on your own to try drawing from life, but rest assured, you'll walk out with one beautiful recreation. Bring your own favorite Michelangelo drawing or draw from the slides we have.
This class will focus on faces. The beginner's class and anatomy class explore the full figure. No need to bring any materials!
We are still asking for proof of vaccination for all attendees!