Happy Hour DIY: Salt and Sugar Scrubs

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Taught by Jen Messier

Jen is the co-founder of the Brainery and lives in Flatlands with her partner and (too many) cats. She knows a little bit about a lot of things and can teach a lot of classes on the fly. Currently really into hydroponics, cyanotypes, and dyeing things poorly. 

You can ask her anything at jen@brooklynbrainery.com.

Friday, March 14, 6:00-7:15pm

Location: Prospect Heights Brainery (190 Underhill Ave in Prospect Heights, BK)

If, like me, you spend all winter worrying about your dry, cracked hands and obsessing over lotions to fix them, I have just the thing for you: homemade salt and sugar scrubs. These diy mixes are inexpensive, customizeable and make great gifts. Best of all, they actually make your skin feel more moisurized and are great exfoliaters.  

In this class, we'll whip up both a salt and sugar scrub for you to take home. You can customize the recipe with your preferred scents and ratios, and we'll talk about the uses for each scrub and why you may choose over the other. All materials provided! 

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