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Groovy Beets (Online)

Laura Scheck
4ed71360 seeable

Taught by Laura Scheck

Laura Scheck is the founder of Teaching Table, a culinary education platform that aims to inspire others to cook foods that are better for their bodies, their families, and their communities. Laura previously worked as a teacher and adult educator and was trained at the Natural Gourmet Institute, making her uniquely suited to share her passion for food in an educational way. Teaching Table provides public cooking demos and workshops, lessons targeted towards individual needs and special diets, private cooking classes & events for cooks of all ages and experience levels, as well as tips, techniques, and recipes via a blog and social media.

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Not sure about you, but come March, I’m pretty tired of beets, as they seem to be the only “in season” vegetable around here. Lettuce turnip your beets into creations you never thought imaginable. Join Teaching Table to beet the system of local seasonal eating with some creativity. You’ll be wondering why you never before pickled beets. Meanwhile, our handmade beet pasta will make your heart skip a beet. You’ll learn a raw preparation that beets all the rest on cooking time. We’ll include a couple of old school beets as well as you learn how to properly roast, peel and utilize those roots in a variety of grain and green salads.

And I won’t beet around the bush, there’s minimal prep and a few puns involved.

Our menu includes:

  • Handmade Beet Garganelli

  • Roasted Beet Hummus

  • Spicy and Tangy Beet and Carrot Slaw

  • Pickled Beets

This is a VIRTUAL LIVE COOKING CLASS. Join from your phone, tablet or computer at HOME.

Some prep is required and you will have freezable leftovers. A food processor is highly recommended for this class. Otherwise, no special tools or ingredients are necessary. You will receive a list of ingredients, tools and prep instructions at least 1 week prior to class.

Cancellation policy