Gouache Landscape Painting: Night Skies

Diana Kuan
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Taught by Diana Kuan

Diana Kuan is a food writer and photographer based in Brooklyn. She is the author of Red Hot Kitchen, on cooking with Asian hot sauces, and The Chinese Takeout Cookbook, on Chinese food and culture in America. Her work has also appeared in Food & Wine, Time Out New York, and The Boston Globe, among other publications. In addition to writing and photography, Diana has taught cooking classes for the past 10 years in both Beijing and New York. Her favorite foods are dumplings, ramen, and tacos, usually with hot sauce on the side.

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Learn to paint atmospheric nighttime landscapes using gouache in this beginner-friendly class! A close cousin of watercolors, gouache is a vibrant medium that is more opaque than watercolors and boasts bold, rich colors. You can use gouache to paint large swaths of color, or hone in on finer details. 

One of the best things about painting with gouache is the ability to paint light over dark, making it perfect for night sky and nighttime landscape paintings. In this class, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create depth and perspective

  • Use light and shadows to create atmosphere

  • Blend colors to achieve seamless backgrounds

  • Paint and moon and stars using different techniques

  • Create moonlit reflections over water

  • And more!

Join us on a journey of exploration and creativity as we illuminate the beauty of the nocturnal world using gouache, paper, and paintbrushes!


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