Flavor Tripping
Taught by Mike and Charlie
Mike Stewart is a serial recipe deconstructor and jack of all plates. Charlie Mirisola is a native New Yorker with more cooking know-how in one tattoo than most people have in their whole body (and he's got a lot of tattoos). Together they co-founded Brooklynauts, a website which chronicles their exploits as competitive cooks. When they're not busy in the kitchen Mike writes freelance, and Charlie is a budding butcher at Dickson's Farmstand Meats.
The foundations of flavor are pretty complicated. In Flavor Tripping we'll explain what sets salty from sweet and why humans have predilections for certain flavors, yet are averse to others. Take a trip with us as we traverse the tongue with samples, and discover what differentiates taste from flavor.
We'll gain some gustatory perspective by taking a trip back in time and reviewing how our understanding of the sense has evolved. Meanwhile, we'll debunk some longstanding myths of the mouth and see what the latest scientific research has to say about our favorite sense.
Finally, pop a pill to pervert your palette and see how different the world tastes under the influence of synsepalum dulcificum, the famous miracle fruit. This is one trip you don't want to miss.
Huge thanks to mberry for providing the miracle fruit berries!