Even More Kimchi!

Taught by Jonathan Soma
Soma was born in the South, is what someone from the North would say. He co-founded the Brainery, is the sciencey half of Masters of Social Gastronomy, and plans on getting married to Waffle House. In his more droll moments he is a tragic sellout to higher ed as a professor of data journalism at Columbia University's journalism school.
See more @dangerscarf
The Kimchi Party had an awesome response, so we're following it up with an actual class on kimchi where you can hang out with a small group and learn a lot more about Korea's hometown favorite. Think of it as a Kimchi Intimate Gathering, maybe. People who signed up for the Kimchi Party get $5 off! Just sign up and we'll reimburse you the $5 when you come to class.
Disclaimer: You're going to have to bring some of your own ingredients this time around! We'll be supplying the Korean red pepper powder, fish sauce, a couple veggies and everything else that's crazy or tough to find. It'll be your job to grab some carrots, daikon (which you've probably never bought but is hiding at most every grocery store), and to bring a knife. There might be a couple more things, too, but it shouldn't run you more than $5.
So, Kimchi! You might've gotten a nice quick introduction, but now it's time to delve a bit deeper. Just what can you put into it? How exactly does fermentation happen? Did my Kimchi Party handout seriously say you could add raw oysters? We'll sit down to make some kimchi while we chat about this and more.
We'll take a good look at the different types of kimchi, and I will blow your mind a tiny bit by waving this piece of paper in front of you. Different types of kimchi are consumed in different regions and different months - find out which ones and why, along with how to cool yourself down in the brutal summer heat (I say as snow falls outside my window).
Why do you get eighty appetizers - at least one of which is kimchi - every time you sit down at a Korean restaurant? It isn't because they think you're charming! Let's see where kimchi pops up in Korean history, life and cuisine.
We'll also examine some Korean ingredients you might not be familiar with. Once you get a handle on a small handful you'll have a solid backing in what to do with your kimchi beyond popping it on top of rice. You might already have the recipe for my coveted kimchi stew, but we'll see what else I can rustle up for you!