Coding for Designers

Taught by Jonathan Soma
Soma was born in the South, is what someone from the North would say. He co-founded the Brainery, is the sciencey half of Masters of Social Gastronomy, and plans on getting married to Waffle House. In his more droll moments he is a tragic sellout to higher ed as a professor of data journalism at Columbia University's journalism school.
See more @dangerscarf
After we had our Introduction to Web Technologies class a couple weeks ago, it became pretty clear that we needed a version specifically for designers!
Design hasn't always been about the web, but it's an increasingly large part of any designer's portfolio. It can be tough to make the leap into turning your designs into reality, though, with all of those crazy terms being thrown around - CSS, HTML, XHTML, AJAX, etc. Where do you even start?
You start by coming to this class! We'll talk through the beginning steps of what parts of the developer world are important for a designer to know and what you can hold off on until later. It isn't a tough hill to climb, it's just a matter of getting a basic grip on what makes up The Other Side once you hand those PDF's over.
I wouldn't say this is a programming class by any means, although we will be doing a little bit of HTML, CSS and JavaScript (nothing too frightful). We're working moreso on arming you with what to learn next, along with why and how to learn it.
Please note that this is a daytime class, so you'll want to migrate on over from your coffee shops for a few afternoon hours. You can totally bring lunch!