Black Earth, Red Earth, and Lumpy Beer: the Cuisine of Ancient Egypt - ONLINE CLASS

Taught by Andrew Coletti
Andrew Coletti is an educator, food writer and history nerd who has been known to throw historical dinner parties just for fun. He makes videos about food history on TikTok and Instagram @passtheflamingo, and writes about food for Tasting Table and other publications.
* This class will meet via Zoom! Download the web client at in advance; link will be sent before the talk.*
The Greeks and Romans thrived on wine, but their contemporaries the Egyptians were all about beer. Living off the rich “black earth” of the Nile a stone’s throw from the lifeless “red earth” of the desert, the Ancient Egyptians developed a food culture as unique as their environment. Over thousands of years of civilization, they learned to prosper in an inhospitable climate and exploit their great river’s bounty to the fullest.
In this class we’ll learn about the Ancient Egyptian diet and look at some of the ways the Egyptians celebrated food in their art, literature and religion.
This class is a general overview of Ancient Egyptian food and food culture. No prior knowledge of the Egyptians is required!