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Asian Chili Sauces! A Lecture and Tasting

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Taught by Diana Kuan

Diana Kuan is a food writer and photographer based in Brooklyn. She is the author of Red Hot Kitchen, on cooking with Asian hot sauces, and The Chinese Takeout Cookbook, on Chinese food and culture in America. Her work has also appeared in Food & Wine, Time Out New York, and The Boston Globe, among other publications. In addition to writing and photography, Diana has taught cooking classes for the past 10 years in both Beijing and New York. Her favorite foods are dumplings, ramen, and tacos, usually with hot sauce on the side.

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Join us for this special evening for both spice-fiends and the spice-curious! To celebrate the release of Red Hot Kitchen, a new cookbook from writer and food photographer Diana Kuan on Asian chili sauces, we're hosting a lecture and tasting that will awaken your taste buds. 

We'll take a tour of Thailand, China, Korea, and other hot destinations through a few essential and versatile chili sauces. You'll discover their histories, flavor profiles, how to make your own versions at home, and some traditional and experimental dishes to make with them. Along the way we'll also cover some fascinating fun facts about chili sauces, how to tame the flames when you're gone a bit overboard, and the best drink pairings to go with spicy dishes. 

Samples and a refreshing beverage pairing included in this fun evening!

(Some of the samples may contain peanuts, tree nuts, soy, and sesame oil. Please let us know if you have any allergies.)

Copies of Red Hot Kitchen will be available for purchase at the talk! 

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