

Tennille-Lynn Millo is a vivacious female who's been writing her way through meals, vacations, and everyday woes.

Graduating from Utica College of Syracuse University in 2003, Tennille dabbled in playwriting, taking home second place for her play "Too Tired" from Syracuse University, which was produced in 2004.

Tennille spent a brief time assisting Scott Rudin Production's Script Development team, working on films, such as Failure To Launch, No Country For Old Men, and There Will Be Blood, before beginning her life as a Freelance Writer.

Today, Tennille works from her home in Long Island, balancing life as a wife, mother, and writer. Her work has been featured in Redbook, Newsday, CBS, MediaBistro, and NYMag.com.

Website: www.tennillelynnmillo.com

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