David Zheutlin
David Zheutlin enjoys teaching. He takes lots of notes. He finds many mundane moments funny, or at least muse-worthy, so life is grand. Though never good at following detailed directions, he gives pretty good ones. He noticed this back when he was in middle school, and then for seven glorious years taught middle school medieval history in Manhattan. (A slice of sage advice resonated: "If it's not fun for you, it's not fun for the students.") Today, he works with two organizations in Brooklyn -- The Post, and Brooklyn Youth Sports Club -- in hopes of enlivening classrooms across the country. He believes that successful students of the future will excel in enthusiasm, imagination, and creativity; he tries to direct teachers to think differently about content. Sometimes he is a writing coach; other times he is dropping off hot sauce samples on friends' stoops. In the era when there were sports, he played lots of basketball. Now, you can find him reading on the fire escape, turning windowsills into herb-and-vine jungles, and smiling on Zoom!