

Mickey Fuertes graduated from NYU in 2004 with his BA in History. As an undergrad, Mickey led the successful student movement to establish a Latino Studies Department at NYU, an endeavor he plans to remember vividly so that he may bore his son with the details in the future.

Since graduating, Mickey has spent much of his time trying to justify his student loan debt by giving unsolicited History lessons to his family, avidly watching the History Channel, and (every so often) preparing and presenting lectures to high school and college students in the Tri-State Area. Mickey firmly believes that access to valuable information and a quality education should not come at the expense of your credit rating and fully supports the mission of the Brooklyn Brainery.

When not reading, he spends his time chronicling his adventures as a stay-at-home dad (you can read all about it here: www.sippycupsandcufflinks.com and playing pretend with his 3 year-old son. 

Courses taught