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Lia Buffa

Lia Buffa is an amateur photographer and street art enthusiast. She first started noticing street art in early 2010 when she started a "photo a day" project. That project forced her to take a photo every day and by doing so, she began to observe the city around her in great detail. She started to notice the art on the streets that she had previously walked right by. Never before had she noticed that sticker on the lamppost or the wheatpaste on the wall. A passion grew within her and at the end of the year, she embarked on a new project for 2011: capturing street art in and around NYC. Lia has since gathered as much information as she can on the illegal art form by scouring blogs, watching movies and google'ing like crazy. She is fascinated by the world of street art and would love to share her knowledge with you on one of her walking tours. For more information, check out her website at www.saddleshoetours.com.

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