Fb42b0d3 bio

Ross Levin

Dr. Ross Levin is a behavioral sleep specialist and Cognitive Behavior therapist in independent practice in New York City with a specialty in stress management and treating insomnia, disturbed dreaming and anxiety disorders.  Dr. Levin earned his doctoral degree in clinical psychology in 1987 from the State University of New York at Buffalo and was a university professor for over 20 years.  Dr. Levin has published over 75 empirical papers on sleep, dreaming, and consciousness in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals. His primary scientific work has been in dreaming and nightmares and his published model on the neurocognitive basis of dreaming and nightmares has been well received in scientific circles and has been featured in numerous media including The New York Times Science Times, ABC Nightline, NPR On Point, The New Yorker Magazine, Fox News, Time Magazine and most recently, CBS Sunday Morning News.

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