Women Artists You Should Know, Part 2

Jessica Pepper
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Taught by JR Pepper

JR Pepper is a lecturer, photographer and self described 'professional eccentric'. She holds both a BA and an MA in art history specializing in Surrealism and spirit photography. Her artwork has been seen in various gallery shows and publications including Haunted America: FAQ by Dave Thompson, Vice.com and Musee Magazine. She has spoken at Long Island Convention of Horror,  New York Comic Con, Tokyo in Tulsa, The Morbid Anatomy Museum, The Odd Salon, The Dead Ladies Show, Lectures on Tap and is an adjunct  art history professor at Brooklyn College.  She currently works as digital imaging specialist at The Burns Archive and is a tour guide at Green-Wood Cemetery. Her book Buried Boston: America's Revolutionary Necropolis, documenting Boston's burying ground and cemeteries was released Halloween 2024 and she is currently working on her next publication on the cemeteries of New Orleans.

image credit: Bill Wadman

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Anyone who has taken a basic art history course will have noticed a lack of women in the most art history textbooks. Where are the women artists?

They are most certainly there, with some of the most striking art and imaginative creations the art world had ever seen. Join us to learn  about the lives and works of six women artists that changed art history. These creative and dynamic women, changed art forever and fought for their place in the narrative.

This is part of two of a two part series, but no need to have attended Part 1 in order to enjoy Part 2!


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