Virtual Vision Boards (Online)

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Taught by Simone Waugh

Simone Waugh (Say Waugh?!/ Moni Waugh) is a writer, social media maven, and Arts educator in Brooklyn, NY. Her hilarious and sometimes tragic dating stories can be found in all corners of the internet and in print including her book, Bubble Baths, Sex & Hot Chocolate. She has been featured on several stages across the United States including the legendary Nuyorican Poetry Café. 

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The joke is on all of us who bought 2020 planners but before you decide to just go with the flow next year, make a virtual vision board that can be actualized whether or not the events of 2021 have us relocating to Mars. 

In this hands-on class, you will set your intentions for the upcoming months and learn how to use Virtual tools to track your progress. 


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